Assuming that you’ve read the other blog posts and now know why it is so important to share family stories, the next step is to figure out how to find them! While there is no set-in-stone way to do so, below are a couple of ideas that can help you get started.
Reach Out to Living Relatives
If you want to gather stories about an ancestor or family member, you should first try to talk to your living relatives. Ask them if they are willing to share their experiences and memories of the person.
One great way to connect with living relatives and collect stories is to create a Facebook group. You can call it "Share Family Stories" or "Share Stories About _______" (Insert Person’s Name). In the description, you can explain what the group is for and that you are asking members of the group to share their stories in the comments. Encourage them to share photos also, if they have any. Then add your family to the group.
Use FamilySearch or Ancestry
FamilySearch is a useful, free tool for learning more about your ancestors. Simply create an account and start filling in your family tree. With a connected family tree, you can click on a deceased relatives’ memories, which include documents, stories, photos, and audio. There you can find any records related to that person.
Another platform for finding stories is Ancestry, where you can review historical records, stories, and photos within your family tree. As you continue to add more information, your tree continues to grow. Ancestry is $24.99/month to use.
But what good is gathering your family stories if you never share them? Having a strong sense of family can help children find a stronger identity and feel more grounded. At FamilyBinds, we’re ready to help you share and preserve your family stories in a meaningful way. Get started today!
